Naša šahovska okupljanja/Our chess gatherings

Proslave rođendana internet tima/Celebrations of the Internet team's birthday

8. avgust 2009.

Prva godišnjica tima proslavljena je u prostorijama kluba BASK kada je odigran vikend turnir po ubrzanom tempu (15 minuta po igraču). Učešće je uzelo 17 igrača.

The first anniversary of the team was celebrated at the BASK club when the weekend tournament was played at an accelerated pace (15 minutes per player). Participation took 17 players.

14. avgust 2010.

Druga godišnjica je takođe proslavljena u šahovskim prostorijama kluba BASK uz vikend turnir po ubrzanom tempu (10 minuta po igraču).

Posle sedmog kola je napravljena „pasulj-pauza“. „Glavni krivci“ za ovo su Mirko Janjić, vrsni kuvar i Saša Kostić, koji je obezbedio pasulj, kobasice, slaninu...

Posle pasulja se osetilo među igračima kako duvaju neki „dobri vetrovi“!

The second anniversary is also celebrated in BASK's chess club with the weekend tournament by accelerated pace (10 minutes per player).

After seven rounds was made "bean-pause". "The main culprits" for this are Mirko Janjić, the excellent chef and Saša Kostic, team captain who provided beans, sausages,bacon ...

After the bean felt among the players how to blow some "good winds"!


13. avgust 2011.

I treća godišnjica je, već tradicionalno, održana u BASK-u uz vikend turnir po ubrzanom tempu (15 minuta po igraču). Učešće je uzelo 16 igrača.

По добром старом обичају, после турнира, у аранжману Саше Костића и Мирка Јањића клопали смо, наравно пасуљ!

And the third anniversary, traditionally, was held at BASK at the fast-paced weekend tournament (15 minutes per player). Participation took 16 players.

According to a good old custom,after the tournament, in the arrangement of Saša Kostić and Mirko Janjić,we gourmandize,of course, beans!


11. avgust 2012.

И ове године је обележена годишњица тима уз викенд турнир по убрзаном темпу (15 минута по играчу). Пасуљ, из кулинарског репертоара Мирка Јањића, ни ове године није изостао.

This year also marks the anniversary of the team at the accelerated pace weekend tournament (15 minutes per player). The bean from the culinary repertoire Mirko Janjić did not miss this year.

11. avgust 2013.

Пета годишњица тима је обележена уз викенд турнир по убрзаном систему (15 минута по играчу). По завршетку турнира су се додељивале награде најуспешнијим играчима тима у првом циклусу такмичења за „Трофеј интернет тима“. И овај турнир није прошао без пасуља.

The fifth anniversary of the team was marked on the weekend tournament by an accelerated system (15 minutes per player). Upon the end of the tournament, awards were awarded to the most successful team players in the first cycle of the competition for the "Trophy Internet Team". And this tour did not go without beans.

Vikend turniri/Weekend tournaments

avgust 2009.

Prvi vikend turnir Internet tima

Šahovski Klub BASK i Internet tim su organizovali turnir igrača do druge kategorije. Prvo i drugo mesto su podelili Kostić Saša i Vračević Goran, a treće i četvrto Simović Zoran i Poleksić Dušan. Prva dvojica su dobili po jedan šahovski sat, a treći i četvrti po knjigu.

The first weekend tournament of the Internet team

The BASK Chess Club and the Internet team have organized a tournament for players to another category. First and second place were awarded by Kostic Sasa and Vracevic Goran, and the third and fourth Simovic Zoran and Poleksic Dusan. The first two got one chess clock, and the third and fourth for a book.
Gosha right
FrankieS right

Zoca vs. Lesa, watching Dexxx
Lesa right 

FrankieS vs. Zoca
Zoca receives one of the prizes
FrankieS vs. Lesa

18. januar 2009.

II vikend turnir BASK internet tima

Pobednik turnira je Zoran Živković - Zoki84

Second weekend tournament of the Internet team
The winner of the tournament is Zoran Živković - Zoki84
Vrag vs. Zoki84, up left Milenko
Gosha and Vrag

Gosha and Zoki84
Ilija Pravilovic v.s Dandisha

Fotografije играча Интернет тима са многобројних турнира organizovanih у просторијама шаховског клуба БАСК/Photos of the Internet team's players from numerous tournaments organized in the BASK chess club.

Iceman vs. Vrag
Frankie, left
Lesa, left
Ilija Prvilovic, left
Vrag, right
Dexxx vs. Gosha
Gosha vs Iceman
